This technique is a lifesaver when you're feeling creatively frustrated 🛟 (Free Live Class)

Making art doesn't have to be hard, Reader.

You don't always need to plan an elaborate piece, or have a theme -- or even what materials to use.

Sometimes it's as easy as sitting down, picking up whatever pen you have lying around, and making a few messy marks.

Just the other day, I was feeling overwhelmed and sat down in a huff at my desk in front of an open sketchbook. I grabbed the sharpie pen that was within reach and started squiggling all over the page without any thought or plan.

I wasn't even looking at the page -- I was staring into the middle distance, lost in my own overwhelm.

I just sat in my frustration for a few minutes, letting my hand make angry lines and scratchy clusters. It started out in irritation, but with every mark I made, I felt myself letting out a deep breath and relaxing a bit.

Eventually, the marks started turning into something. A face formed from the chaos.

Was the art amazing? No.

But it didn't have to be.

The end result wasn't the important thing here -- it was the process.

Making art can be a form of self-care, a way to release stress and tension.

It can be a way to connect with your own emotions, or to work through something that's bothering you. And it doesn't have to be perfect, or even pretty.

It just has to be honest.

In just a few days, I'm hosting a free live class all about making this free-spirited, no-plan artwork. I'll show you how to begin making intuitive art and share a few tips and tricks I've learned that make it even easier to jump right into the process.

What: Creating Without Fear: Intuitive Art for Beginners (Free Live Class)

When: Wednesday, July 17th at 2pm CDT

Where: You can register for free right here!

This is such a simple, amazing practice that every artist should have in their back pocket for those days where you need the catharsis of creation without the stress of a plan.

I hope to see you there, Reader!



Little Coffee Fox

I'm here to teach you how to unleash your creative side. Not only will you learn the essential techniques you need, but you'll also get the tools to start making creativity a priority in your life. With my help, you can build the life and career you want on your own terms. So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!

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