6 ways to help you create more with less fear

Want to know a secret, Reader?

I'm constantly afraid that my art isn't good enough.

Or original enough.

Or dedicated enough.

This fear held me back for years and halted my creative progress.

Slowly but surely, I figured out how to work around this fear with small steps and tricks that helped me get out of my own way.

The fear is not gone, I just don't let it control me anymore.

And now I want to share some of those tricks with you, Reader, because I'm willing to bet you suffer from these fears and anxieties, too.

Here are 6 fantastic tips to help you make more art with less fear:

1) Done Not Perfect

This little motto made a huge difference in my life when I began saying it to myself back in 2017. When my hand would hesitate over a blank page, I would say these words of affirmation and push forward anyway.

In fact, I STILL say "Done Not Perfect" to myself all the time because the magic still works.

2) Create a Cozy Art Corner

If you have space, set up your art supplies somewhere front and center where you can see them every day. This can be on your desk, your night stand, or even a small shelf in the corner.

Having to confront your art supplies every day will make it easier to remember to use them and make them feel less terrifying to use.

3) Set Goals and Rewards

Trying to convince yourself to make more art? Dangle a reward in front of your nose to motivate you into action.

Try setting a goal -- like filling 10 pages of a sketchbook -- and a reward for when you accomplish that goal -- like a new set of drawing pens.

These rewards are a great way to incentivize you to actually use your supplies and begin making art a habit.

4) Learn More New Techniques

One great way to spur you into action is learning new exciting creative skills, such as with a Foxsy Membership.

With tons of creative classes in lettering, watercolor, creative journaling, and more, you have tons of opportunities to get inspired.

Plus, there are so many step-by-step projects that have been designed to take you from concept to finished piece, that you're bound to grow your skills and confidence. There are even live classes available in case you get stuck!

Just a warning though, the early adopter period ends at the end of this month and the price is going way up!

Explore Foxsy and start embracing your creativity!

5) Have a Private Sketchbook

Perhaps you fear others judging your art, so you feel self-conscious and don't draw as much. The simple solution to this is to get a sketchbook that is for your eyes only!

Keep a private sketchbook and let it be for all your junky scribbles, rough drawings, silly concepts, and whatever else pours out of your hand.

When you know for a fact it's private, you'll feel more comfortable making bad art and getting in some valuable practice.

6) Write Morning Pages

If you haven't already heard me harp on about the Morning Pages, then you NEED to check them out.

This journaling technique completely turned me around and gave me the help I needed in getting out of my own way.

All of these tricks have helped me out along the way, but everyone is different so I hope you'll use what works for you and keep looking for other ways to help you grow.

At the end of the day, the most important thing is to keep trying.

You might not be able to succeed with everything at first, but you'll break through if you keep pushing for a better relationship with your art.

It does get better, Reader.

You just have to reach for it, and it will be there waiting for you.


Little Coffee Fox 👉 @little_coffee_fox | littlecoffeefox.com

Foxsy 👉 @foxsy_official | foxsy.com

Youtube 👉 Foxsy | Little Coffee Fox

Little Coffee Fox

I'm here to teach you how to unleash your creative side. Not only will you learn the essential techniques you need, but you'll also get the tools to start making creativity a priority in your life. With my help, you can build the life and career you want on your own terms. So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!

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