The one problem that I can’t quite fix.

One of the most common struggles I hear from people in this community is a lack of consistency.

People have a tough time making time for their art and letting creativity be a regular part of their lives.

It’s hard, when you have a life full of work, family, friends, domestic chores, and so much more, to squeeze in those habits and routines that mean so much.

It’s interesting to see how art, expression, and creativity are the first to get tossed overboard when life gets hectic. And it always gets hectic, doesn’t it?

So, how do you find consistency?

How do you nail down those slippery things that you can’t quite get your hands around?

I gotta be honest with you… I don’t know.

I fight this battle every damn day. And after all these years, I still feel like Sysophis, endlessly pushing the boulder up a hill only to watch it roll right back down.

But we have to keep trying. Keep fighting. Keep pushing the boulder up again and again.

Because giving up isn’t an option.

My lack of consistency in my life has led to plenty of strife – it’s put me on my back foot, made me feel like a failure, and nearly killed this whole business countless times.

But I’m not going to let that stop me from giving another push. You never know when this one will be THE one – the point where you crest a plateau, a point of rest and celebration, the new bottom of your hill.

Progress is slow and grueling, but we must find a way to fall in love with the process because to give up is to give up on life.

See how I’m fighting for consistency this year and what strategies I think will make all the difference.


Little Coffee Fox 👉 @little_coffee_fox |

Foxsy 👉 @foxsy_official |

P.S. If you're really struggling to find motivation, my course, Color Outside The Lines, will help you get out of that rut.



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Little Coffee Fox

I'm here to teach you how to unleash your creative side. Not only will you learn the essential techniques you need, but you'll also get the tools to start making creativity a priority in your life. With my help, you can build the life and career you want on your own terms. So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!

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